Ever been to a Psychic?

Went to the Psychic fair with the GF last nite. Ive been to one once, it was good experience obviously-i went to another. But this dude last nite was nailing all types of shit about me! I was dumbfounded. He had an unusual method but he hit on a few things. His name is Kris faso( Krisfaso.com) Anyone ever been to one who actually was dead money on predicting your future??

No but ive always been curious. How much did he cost?

he was $65 for 30 minutes. came with a CD recording of it.

looks like hes coming to rochester in march for a psychic fair, I will go then.

I saw Sylvia Brown LIVE!!!

I’m not one to pay someone to tell me things I already know, but that is just me. They’re all a crock of shit.

silvia brown is the best

Ive read a number of stories of her not being the almighty as many claim her to be.

i predict you paid 65 bucks for a burned cd of you getting ripped off

lol. perhaps. He did however describe me to a T,so atleast i know hes knows mostly what hes talking about.

i have been to about 7-8 just for fun.kathy bell in brocton lol…but the things she said were right on…i don’t like by it but it is fun to go sometimes

have u ever heard of bernice golden a local physic around here