psychic readings??

So who on here has been to a psychic before? Ive never been much of believer because ive never really had a reason or needed to. But ive heard from a few people that ive crossed paths with before that if you find a good one, it is an amazing experience. Ive had alot of stuff go on in life lately that i dont understand and would love to have some hints of whats in store for me in the future.

That being said are there any decent ones around? Is this a waste of time? Did you go to one? if soo who ?and were they accurate?

I’ve got a bridge to sell you after you go.

haha what do you mean?

Honest answer without getting into mumbo-jumbo… head down to Lillydale once they open for the season and walk around/talk with people till you find someone you’re comfortable with. Then go into it with an open mind.

The best is when Christians go to Psychics, please at least tell me you’re at a minimum agnostic.

I dont really commit or believe in a religion. I do hope and believe that there is some sort of higher power though. Thats about as far as ill take it.

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hmm Ive heard that. My mother goes down there every year and loves it. I may have to go with her.

I predict this thread will end very well.

If you do it for entertainment you’re gonna have a good time. If you’re hokey you’re gonna have a good time (I know you’re not hokey). If you want someone to dig details out of you then recite your internal dialog back at you, it’s gonna be a blast. :wink:

It’s weird how paranormal activity basically stopped over night once a large majority of the world became equipped with smart phones and cameras.

The devil knows the past…nuff said

Of all the possibilities of things out there … human psychics are not one of them.

So my point, if you want to be a sucker go for it.

I had one for free at a company event… they pretty much just toss out generalities at you and see what sticks.

ah ok haha. Yea I have a hard time believing it anyways but maybe id try it out for shits and giggles if it wasnt too expensive.

hmm yea that is what seems like happens most of the time. But I have had a few close friends tell me that everything a psychic told them came true. Then again It could just be a mind fuck and them just setting out and doing what the psychic would happen because they said it.

I just drink a ton of beer when I need some clarity. Or run really far. This should help you sort things out.

people who have paid money for an expert of any category will often delude themselves into believing things to be more true.
Take magic as an example – it’s fun to watch and the whole time you’re trying to figure out how they are doing it, but at the same time you don’t really want to figure out it. That would just mean they sucked and you got ripped off.


“I see by your aura and your spirit light that you are a man who is sexually retarded and is looking for my guidance to help you see if getting laid is in your future. I’m sorry. I don’t offer refunds.”


Without going into detail…
Going to a psychic is putting your faith into something/someone instead of going to God.

I’m a psychic! Come give me $100 and I’ll tell you everything you want to know

basically because you have to have faith in them and can’t prove they really work (see what I did there), but to more seriously answer:

The Bible strongly condemns spiritism, mediums, the occult, and psychics (

Leviticus 20:27;Deuteronomy 18:10-13). Horoscopes, tarot cards, astrology, fortune tellers, palm readings, and séances fall into this category as well. These practices are based on the concept that there are gods, spirits, or deceased loved ones that can give advice and guidance. These “gods” or “spirits” are demons (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). The Bible gives us no reason to believe that deceased loved ones can contact us. If they were believers, they are in heaven enjoying the most wonderful place imaginable in fellowship with a loving God. If they were not believers, they are in hell, suffering the un-ending torment for rejecting God’s love and rebelling against Him.

So, if our loved ones cannot contact us, how do mediums, spiritists, and psychics get such accurate information? There have been many exposures of psychics as frauds. It has been proven that psychics can gain immense amounts of information on someone through ordinary means. Sometimes by just using a telephone number through caller ID and an internet search, a psychic can get names, addresses, dates of birth, dates of marriage, family members, etc. However, it is undeniable that psychics sometimes know things that should be impossible for them to know. Where do they get this information? The answer is from Satan and his demons. “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).Acts 16:16-18 describes a fortune teller who was able to predict the future until the apostle Paul rebuked a demon out of her.
Satan pretends to be kind and helpful. He tries to appear as something good. Satan and his demons will give a psychic information about a person in order to get that person hooked into spiritism, something that God forbids. It appears innocent at first, but soon people can find themselves addicted to psychics and unwittingly allow Satan to control and destroy their lives. Peter proclaimed, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). In some cases, the psychics themselves are deceived, not knowing the true source of the information they receive. Whatever the case and wherever the source of the information, nothing connected to spiritism, witchcraft, or astrology is a godly means of discovering information. How does God want us to discern His will for our life? God’s plan is simple, yet powerful and effective: study the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and pray for wisdom (James 1:5).

Read more:What is the Christian view of psychics / fortune tellers? |