
the Jehovah witnesses are on the loose today one just knocked at my door a little while ago

they came to my house last week, and i told them that God doesn’t exist and shut my door…

yes! free books to give to other people for christmas

welcome them into your fully nudist home

I pretended I was deaf once, I really cannot sign well anymore, so I was winging it.

They got frustrated and left.

Once i was out washing my car when 2 of their females came around. It was a dirty trick cause one of them was kind of cute. The church of scientology uses the vagina as a recruitment tool as well at their building downtown.


Once i was out washing my car when 2 of their females came around. It was a dirty trick cause one of them was kind of cute. The church of scientology uses the vagina as a recruitment tool as well at their building downtown.


yes sex sells even the church knows that.

they came to my girl’s house on saturday.

fuckin douchecocks they are!

My fiance’s father was a biology professor. He kept a pile of pamphlettes on evolution by the door and told them that he would read their material if they would read his.



Once i was out washing my car when 2 of their females came around. It was a dirty trick cause one of them was kind of cute. The church of scientology uses the vagina as a recruitment tool as well at their building downtown.


It’s true and a shame too. Those nutty girls would have been tomcats in the sack. But with them now, it’s not even worth the efforts.

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:3,topic:29012"”]

yes! free books to give to other people for christmas


dont even think about it

i just open the door and say no. then shut it with no remorse


i just open the door and say no. then shut it with no remorse


Did the show up 4 deep in a yellow EVO? LOL


My fiance’s father was a biology professor. He kept a pile of pamphlettes on evolution by the door and told them that he would read their material if they would read his.



well played

edit: i’m usually polite to them and say while i appreciate their efforts i’m just not interested~ or something similar. i don’t see the point in being rude :shrug:

Repeating " I don’t believe in a god" has worked well for me. Say it nice, and say it over again. Works good when you don’t try to bullshit. Those fuckers are ruthless.

its actually funny when they come on my street… the neighbors will call eachother to warn of them and everyones door will eventually shut and close.

they have a church right at the corner of my street so its hard to avoid them all together.

When i was like 16, I answered the door in my underwear. As they were talking, my g/f at the time came out of my room wearing one of my dress shirts, and nothing else.

I told them to get bent…

^hahahahahahhaha carl you rock

they had some cute(im not r kelly) little girl like 8 or 9 years old come up to my door 1 time. it was hard for me to slam the door in her face. The other 2 older ladies stood behind her smiling.

i know a few personally, they are alright people, just wacked out religious beliefs