Ever wish you could fly?


-Watch the vid.

thats awesome

thats unreal


  • i wonder how hard it is to control, ie. turning and climbing/diving

  • i was really dissapointed when he pulled the shoot. i was looking forward to him attempting to negotiate a landing, and eating shit

fun, but i’d never do it. i’d be scared. :frowning:

That would be amazing. I can only imagine the rush you would get from something like that.


Can you imagine soaring through the sky at 400+mph and having full control? I would be scared of going into a spin, or flying into a side of a mountain…but this guy seems he can work it.

when do they hit the US market, and how much will they be?

cool shit…

yeah i think they should make a wing that would function at lower speeds so u could just do a quick little running take-off and cruise around 40mph