Everyone enjoying their tax hikes?

How dare you sir! In America we have short attention spans, we do not care for facts we just blame the guy who is currently in office. It’s much easier that way like I said: American = Sort memory.:lol

God Bless America!

Well it’s our own fault for not being rich really. The country was found for rich white men by rich white men. Everyone else is cannon fodder, wallstreet is FULL of insider trading crooks, the government is full of bribe taking dirt bags. What can one expect it was a country founded by thieves & Liars!

The Two Party Dictatorship has failed the working class yet again & will continue to do… till a civil war happens, which it wont so get used to it that’s our only option. Btw Enjoy the internet while you can mark my words it will change for the worse. Along with your right to sell shit you own… because business don’t get a cut of your resale of said items you own.