Everyone enjoying their tax hikes?

Certainly most have the opportunity…but so many in their 20’s wait and wonder why the good opportunities are not boxed up, wrapped with a bow, and delivered to your door.

Thats a problem… but its a social problem driven with participation trophies and bleeding hearts.

no. not everyone has the opportunity to make good money. in capitalism there will always be winners and losers. not everyone can be a winner.

who said “good money”

I guess its all semantics.

but I would argue, yes, unless your disabled beyond capability or have other debilitating issues, everyone does have the OPPORTUNITY.

Most just dont have the balls, or the will power. Thats their own damn fault. Or of those around them. Soooooo, what exactly are you saying? I do not want to put words in your mouth.

I like this and think thats good… do you?

Not everyone is gonna make 6 figures, the world needs janitors and fast food employees too



Anyone who was ever given or loaned a large sum of money from family or close friends to start a business that becomes very successful and doesn’t acknowledge that without it the odds of them being in the same successful shoes would be 10000:1 times harder I don’t think too kindly of to put it nicely. Or somebody given a business that’s already established or partially established that doesn’t acknowledge the same thing. The age old saying “It takes money to make money” is 99.9% true. The more capital behind the endeavor the easier it is to make it successful (given it was run 100% the same way by the rich to begin with owners vs the started with nothing owners). The word “easier” being a giant understatement too.

Nothing burns my nuts more than business owners that are clearly doing much better in life than I (yes it’s an opinion, let’s not even argue that point) that were gifted the opportunity AND are not 110% grateful every moment of their lives for that opportunity they were given. Case and point, my wife’s maid of honor is now engaged to the example I don’t think very kindly of, and now she is her maid of honor. The money spent on the bachelorette deal is 1:8 right now. Just because you’re doing much better than 90% of the people attending the wedding, doesn’t mean we can afford to spend 8 times as much money on you, than you did for us.

It’s not jealousy, it’s called being pissed at arrogance.

govt the word doesnt make a thing. but the people that represent the gov’t make a killing

thats why america could never work equal.

if the game started over 300 year ago and you just started playing 20years ago with no help from the older players are your chances equal to the other players?

if america was a game and some start out with nothing and others start with a handicap full of wealth and supplies who has the better advantage for wining?

In other words I have to rely on other players, unless I revolutionize the process and get lucky somehow when I start out from the get go with nothing.

ahh but handicaps are in place to equal out the players. IE my bowling ave is 220 and yours is 120, you are given a 100 pin handicap when we face off. If you are on your game and I am not, you will still win.

Nothing like running a biz. Infact I am dealing with it right now. Our credit limit with BOA isnt enough and is very hard to spend money on the parts card, get paid and put that into the BOA checking account, then same day transfer it from checking to CC. 3-5 days for the payment to post on the CC to free up credit for the next parts purchase. We get busy as hell at times, like this week, and the card is maxed out for a single job like a nice 7-8K wreck for example when half the job is parts purchases. So, once again, not having bank behind your new name drags you down and make is next to impossible to work. So even though I can build cars the same exact way RLMS can for a perfect example, even if the same customers brough the exact same projects to me, I wont be able to complete them becasue my fucking credit limit wont even let me buy the damn parts! Some handicap I got there isnt it!

So to answer your question. the ones starting out in wealth have a better advantage at winning… IF both players or Company A & B are playing the game 100% the same side by side.

simple example.

Mike and Joe both start a landscaping biz. Mike has great credit but not enough capital behind his name. Joe has the same credit score but 100K in the bank.

Mike and Joe head to the Snapper dealer to get a mower. Mike gets the best one be can with his credit, $10K 50" cut 10mph max speed. Joe gets the best his credit can, (doest spend any of the 100K in his bank) gets a $30K 80" cut 25mph beast of a mower.

They both cut grass the same way, the job isnt hard. They both start off in the same town, with the same type of customers and land.

Mike doesnt stand a chance.

With credit i suppose you’re right. Good things will come to you Woody. You, Kevin, Eric and everyone in that shops works hard, is great to their customers and i can’t wait till you guys blow up bigtime, with your work ethic you should.

But i still believe if you work hard you can put yourself in a better place than your father, and so on. My boss is a very well off man, but he didn’t grow up with a silver spoon. His father worked in a factory when he was growing up. he joined the naval academy, got out, got a job, put in his time and finally started his own business, in his 1 bedroom home. He worked his ass off, and 25 years later here he is, pockets overflowing. nobody handed him a damn thing, he worked his ass of and he deserves it.

All things being equal, your correct, as you often are. Mike just has to work harder and do better… Weather that mean be nicer, be cleaner, market more etc. Chances are you can always “outwork” the competition if you choose, in many different ways. We all know life isnt fair, some will have to work harder. Thats what we call life, and reality, and i know you know that, just stating the obvious.

Working harder and smarter can even the playing field. If mike cant reach the level of success he desires, Mike should choose something else, or add a service Joe doesnt offer. Never accept 2nd if 2nd isnt good enough for you.

Great reply man. +rep. Very good points. Its all about finding the value the customer is after and delivering it. The other guys mower might be faster, but I added a muffler to mine, and I take the turns slower so I dont rut up the lawn. It really boils down to the sales pitch, AND being able to back it up.

2nd place is the first looser. Never settle for anything less than the top, BUT be proud along the way for the progress you make getting there.

Is it just me or has this been one of the more informative, civil threads in Shift history? :rofl

thanks for the encuragment buddy! :slight_smile: