Everyone gotta read this

merry christmas you pussy

Thanks guys, big time.

:tup: you big baby, love you.

:word: Sureshot! gets the credit for this, we just signed it… Merry Christmas big guy!

merry christmas, howie :slight_smile:

Merry Christmas :tup:

u read what i wrote?

we knew it would make you smile :)…and cry hehe.
thank you adam for picking out the card…lol…even though its not an xmas card…it made it that much funnier. :tup:

its because we all love you very very much.
you are an amazing friend, you have the biggest heart, and you are just a good person to begin with…
we can all turn to if we need someone to talk to
and i hope you can count on us that are close to you to do just the same.

we <3 you very mucho much babe.merry christmas.

:slight_smile: merry christmas howie!..wish i knew about the signing, i would have left you plenty of <3

thanks for creating these forums that have allowed us to meet so many cool people (and even people that we like to not like). i get to hate on so many more people than ever before ubrf and nyspeed :tup:

nah, you know what i mean though. met a lot of great people through here man, you included :slight_smile: