Everyone gotta read this

I can’t stop crying…

my parents don’t know what’s wrong with me…

I am so filled with emotion

I cannot even begin to explain.

I miss you guys so much

and Thank YOU…

thank you all…

I’ll try to write something a little more in depth

if I can ever compose myself.

Thank you, you have no idea how much this little (big, very big) card means to me…

omg, thank you so much

i don’t know what else to say

no problemo howie

we are always here for you

cinnabons are the only reason I signed that card


Merry Christmas.

We love you Howie!

hehe…i used the S for skunk…HEHEHEHEHE

love you bro…

merry x-mas

merry christmas and happy holidaze!


Have a very merry christmas …we all love you and miss you terribly !!! :heart:

Merry Christmas :tup: you sexy son of a bitch


OHSNAP! I even discussed that before leaving there too. >_<

Merry Christmas nonetheless. :tup:

merry christmas man!!

merry x-mas i’m out of the loop but you know i’m there in spirit

Merry Christmas man, i didint know there was a card signing…i feel bad. When you come back next Im buyin you some drinks.


Merry Ho Ho Bud…I Hope You Liked My :gay: Message :slight_smile:

Sorry I didn’t get out to sign the card, but I did hook you up with Christmas music in your time of need. :slight_smile:

Howie is one very loved motherfv¢ker. :wink:

anytime howie, merry xmas :slight_smile:

i missed the signing too Howie but i still love u

i didnt get a chance to sign the card but merry christmas man

huge :tup: x infinity to Adam (Sureshot) for putting it all together. Huge :tup: to that, thats a great friend right there. :wink:

Merry Xmas Howie. I heart you. Youre a great person and I am glad we’ve become friends. :slight_smile: Ho Ho Ho :smiley:

Merry Christmas Babe…we all love you and miss you lots…no more crying…just move home to buffalo :wink: