Everyone just RELAX, im here


Hay everybodee I heard this was the new ultimate power message board so here i am.

BTW, i love you howie, even if you made me puke :banghead:

go play in your sandbox

i mean welcome :slight_smile:

what up! when you getting back this way… pretty sure we have some SERIOUS drinking to catch up on!

Hi mikey

we miss you

i miss you too Howie :cry:

Dont worry Chris, you’ll wish i was still here by the time my coming home party is over :smiley:

Hoping to be home for thanksgiving :crosses fingers: That would give me all winter to work on the slobra :tup:


now bring ur ass home…you are missed…by many…and the llama is not complete without you…

so drop the guns and clean the sand outta ur vagina…and get over here

welcome !! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/Cuban_Crisis/wave.gif

Word! Welcome and enjoy your stay!

one of your wifey’s checkin in and saying HI…we miss you Mike!!!

whatup mike, glad to have u here!

what up mang?

Hello hello,

Hurry up and get back here!

Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!! :gay2:


Yeeeeeeeees mike come home its time to start boozing

wassup, welcome!

whats up dude

wifey #2 checkin’ in!

WELCOME MIKE!! :smiley:

we miss you…and yes…we miss TINA too .that was soO funny when we found her

come home soon hun~!

whats going on