Everyone ready for warm weather?

i have to decide whether finishing a degree, selling a firetruck, or going fast is more important.


1.5-2 months until im boosting. maybe ill just sell the turbo and go NA


my nice blacky rims, ill put up pics when there on the car

so you decided not to do the ghetto pep boys wheels?

no those are what was referrign too, more of a blackish/ghetto, style,

For the love of god you dont sand the base coat and then spray more to eliminate fish eyes. Clear the whole thing and wetsand and buff them after the fact.

i didnt mean fish eye, i ment it alligatered so im lettign it dry ove night and sanding those areas the nspraying more base in those areas then clearign the whole car

well in his defense, if the fisheye is showing clearly down to the sealer (i hope you sealed the primer), it will show through the clear if there is no color in the “fisheyed” spot

it was showing to the primer thats why i have to respray base in those areas

do you have sealer

no, it wasnt a full out paintjob, it was a scuff down everything, and do bodywork in a few areas quicky job, the reason is alligatored is because my friend sucks at wipeing the car down with wax/grease remover and didnt get in the tight areas good, so now i have to fix his mistake, i should have done it myself anyway but was in a hurry. but the cars getting repainted next spring anyway to a blue, i didnt want to paint the car blue and have a red engine bay and stuff so i did a quicky respray to get rid of some fading and dents,and to make the hood and front clip match, the hood looks like shit because i didnt bother with bodywork on it much because im gettign a cowl within the next month,but ya, it will look better this summer paintwise than last year either way so im happy with it for now

I’m ready for the warm weather…in atlanta…see you guys in a week :slight_smile:

DICK lol


ahhhhhh the suspense is killing me…we need atleast to be in the 50s by now…wtf

snow this week? :tdown:

Ughhhhh I just wanna put my stuntin wheels on and finish fixing my car and cruiseeeee.

I’ll be out and about in a fast kaa next summer :slight_smile:

More than ready for warm weather…

fuck im ready I got tons of crap to do and this cold weather isnt helping me get it done

meh, ups and fedex aren’t done delivering boxes. i’ve got quite the collection of new parts now, so i’m just waiting to install them when i get some weather i can work in the garage in.