4x100 15x8 36+ 12lb
made by 949 racing-6ul gen II

also ordered some gold valve stems and some crown caps playa!!
4x100 15x8 36+ 12lb
made by 949 racing-6ul gen II
also ordered some gold valve stems and some crown caps playa!!
Absolutely sick.
way to go jay! i love them
Those are super hot :tup:
thank god for nomore super man theme.
I really do like these a lot. Wheels usually don’t catch my eye like these. Good choice!
nice wheels jay :tup:
thought you were planning ccws though?
thank you
i got rid of those wheels moths ago…
thank you.
i was not aware of that, like the new ones :tup:
they dont look good on my car unless theres silly camber and crazy offset
and i cant run a dr on a 30+ wheel and a shitload of camber…
plus i couldnt get a second mortgage on the house…
Pffffttt… remember you cant live in your car but you cant drive your house.
Wow, nice pickup!!!
Reminds me of the evo X MR’s wheels…
me likey.
hot. I love the finish. I need me some new wheels on the BMW.
saw on facebook last night they look like dc2 rims to me … but hot IMO
very nice looking
Absolutely. Those will look hot against your blue paint. :tup:
rlly nice!