execution video


Couldnt of happened to a better guy

ha ha i vote bush next lol

yeah when you hang someone its not strangulation its just the neck breaking if a hanging goes wrong then the death is strangulation…

and yeah camera quality was poor at best but atleast we saw that fucker go

i agree with most of that but i think the problem was he would kill anyone. guilty or not. imo

then let his own people do something about it.

cool video though

one down, a sh(t load more to go!

Thats differs from our system how? There have been numerous cases reversed in the last few years, because some judge with a hardon for a dude that was porking his duaghter got into trouble, and sent the poor bastard up the river to die.

Man we might be better off with a system like that. I bet the drug dealers would think twice…

my point was he could just pick random people off the street to kill . kinda like the l.a.p.d do to blacks.

it’s about damn time. for some reason i still question whether it was actually him or not. there were always so many stories about how he had body doubles and all that bs.

its him… the guy who videotaped it was arrested, check the major news stations