Extreme 4x4

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcy-KN_rKHM”]YouTube- Chainlink extreme 4x4 in action[/ame]

That thing is awesome

that is insane!

that reminds me shag we should start carrying chains when we go out wheelin

Wow, that is crazy. Some serious work/engineering into that thing.

wow that was amazing peice of work


Cool. Who built it? I couldn’t find much info on it. Just the video.

that is wild

video is now private

The only thing can find


just fyi, from someone who wheels a considerable amount, chains aren’t the answer, straps ftw!!!

if a chain breaks, your losing a windshield and your boy is losing a tailgate etc

I am a pretty big strap fan. The biggest problem with straps is that they cost more then a damn chain. and they cant take abuse like a chain…

Chances are if you are breaking chains trying to pull something out… your doing some thing wrong!!

If you’re breaking straps you’re doing something wrong or you have some cheap ass straps. I carry 1-20k lb strap and 2-30k lb straps in my jeep at all times, with a compliment of d-rings and hooks and I’ve never broken a strap once. IMHO buy a REALLY good quality strap once and it will last, I spent 100 bucks a piece on my straps and I’ve pulled everything from full size chevy’s on 44’s to dsms with locked up wheels (foz :doh:) with those straps and never had a problem

There were no details but it looked like they were using chains to drive each of the wheels separately, not pull. Each wheel was on a swingarm - like a bike. Definitely looked badass.

jfyi their talking tire chains for traction!:stick:

if you need chains to go wheeling, you need better tires. But thanks for clearing that up!!! :bigok:

Yeah, I’m aware of that, I was more replying to quik than the actual thread. While kinda pointless, the amount of work that went into that thing cannot be ignored

If you need chains to go wheeling you need better tires, but thanks for clearing that up :slight_smile:

Video was made private.