Eyeglasses / Sunglasses

What kind/brand do you wear?

Do you like them?

Where did you buy them?

i just go to the island in the mall…but i always either break or loose them anyways…

My brother had a pair of Spy sunglasses. They were nice. I’ve been looking for a similar pair for years.

My fiance got me some Arnettes from sunglass hut, about $85 and a 1 year warrenty on everything from broken frames to scratched lenses. My last set were Arnettes also, I love the way they look.


I’d love to have a Pimped pair of RX Shades! But 1.) I dont think they have any that would look good on me, And 2.) I think they are Way over priced.

arnettes, 2 pairs love em both: silver swingers and another pair of brown/black ones that I cant remember the name of.

2 pairs of revo’s and a pair of Versace

I wear armani frames with my glasses and i love those, sunglasses i dont have any right now but i was tossing around the idea of some maui jim sunglasses but who the fuck spends 300 on sunglasses so im looking for knock-offs.

Got them at Sunglass Hut in sunrise mall lol


them are nice!

ravens i think, are those the ones we got back in high school?
i left mine under the hood of my car, bu they were great shades

I have a pair of polarized raybans, the work and look good,

My next pair is gonna be a set of Paradas

Sunglass hut in Miami, the ones around here blow

get a classy set of DGs or Paradas

Some $6 pair I bought in Key West because I dropped my $8 pair off the side of the boat because I was drunk. Hence the reason I don’t spend more than $10 on them.

smith optics :slight_smile:

And I just bought a pair of nautica glasses that should be coming in this week. I couldn’t justify the price difference between them and the Lafont glasses.

For regular glasses/eye exams I go to the Buffalo Eye Center on Delaware. So nice. Who would have thought good customer service would keep customers?

I’m a glasses whore.

i try not to spend more than 20 bucks on a pair, so when they break i dont really care.


Oakley Julietes.

Have had them for over 2 years and don’t intend to buy anything for awhile longer… seing as how I spent anout $175 on them.

oakley a or o frame… i mix em up sometimes…

I love my Blublockers and have been wearing them for the past 10 years now…


But I actually just ordered a pair of Oakley Split threads today at work. Need new prescription glasses do to my eyes getting worse.

And for sunglasses I have a pair of D&G’s and a pair of Smith’s I use as knock around glasses…

no different ones again, I have no idea where the ravens I had went, dammm that was a long time ago :wink:

I used to buy cheap sunglasses but kept losing/breaking them. About 4 years ago I bought a nice pair of oakley’s for myself and forced myself to keep track of them. They lasted until this summer when one of the lenses was severely lose and I actually lost the frames off my head in a stupid move looking behind us while filming, at well over 100mph, out the window of a C6 vette. I bought another pair recently:

Except mine are all black.