F-15 lands with one........

WOW!!! And he didnt even know till he landed. Like wouldn’t a Alarm go off or something saying a WING MISSING. Lol. Good shit though. Thats one lucky fuck

Extremely lucky, and extremely skilled.

:tup: to the plane and :tup::tup: to the pilot.

“We were landing at approximately twice the speed we should”.

At what point do you just say “fuck it, these things comes with parachutes for a reason”.

lol true… but most pilots wont eject unless they KNOW theres no way of making it out alive. i think its something rediculous like by the time you pull the eject lever till the time your chute opens, is like 2.5 seconds or less. its so violent that it actually compresses your spine and some people are left with serious injuries, and if you eject more than 2x then you probably will never be able to fly again( the last one was from actual pilot telling me this)

15 you can eject free of injury since the pilot seat is more upright…
f16 its reclined too allow the blood to stay put, unfortunately ejecting in an f16 leaves you pretty much breaking your legs as they slam into the dash

Yeah I heard some pilots are a quarter inch shorter after ejecting

thats what she said


yeah yeah, ok :clap:

ejecting puts close to 5 G’s on you.

actually a lot more than that

Pilot safety
The purpose of an ejection seat is pilot survival, not pilot comfort. Many pilots have suffered career-ending injuries while using ejection seats, including crushed vertebrae. The pilot typically experiences an acceleration of about 12 to 14 g (117 to 137 m/s²). Western seats usually impose lighter loads on the pilots; 1960s-70s era ex-Soviet technology often goes up to 20-22 g (with SM-1 and KM-1 gunbarrel type ejection seats). Career-ending injuries are quite common, partly because eastern military pilots usually continue to fly into their late 40s or early 50s and end (retire) their flying career afterward, while most western jet pilots retire from the military in their late 30s.

Western seats usually impose lighter loads on the pilots; 1960s-70s era ex-Soviet technology often goes up to 20-22 g

So ironic

Fuck beat to it. :frowning:

:repost: :lolsign:

wikipedia IS your friend haha

I’ll get you yet, you rapscalion.

thats fuggin sick

actually theres 2 L’s



I have never heard of this.

Foiled again, good show. :tup:

Yeah, I suppose Goose would still be alive if Maverick was as good a pilot as this guy.