Eerie video of the demise of 747

… and the people in it.


Running theory is that there was unsecured weight/cargo in the plane and it shifted during take off, changing the climbing angle, losing forward momentum and further stalling.

The eerie part comes in when you see the landing gear extend in the final second before impact as the pilot still has hope for an emergency landing…

fking terrifying

That’s crazy

No. Fucking. Thank. You.

Two months before I’m supposed to get on one… man, flying really freaks me out. :lol

I hate flying so much

Thank god for Xanax

I dont know whats up with the dude taking the footage but he doesnt even say a word unless they edited the sound. I would be like “HOLYFUCK” if I saw that. I feel like this is how the dude responded

At like 1:12 he just says, “Ugh fuck.” That’s it lol.


That is the perfect gif lol. Hurley FTW!

gravity’s a bitch

As horrible as it sounds, at least it was just a cargo plane and not a fully loaded passenger jet.

7 Americans killed in that event.

Go home 747. You’re drunk

Does he run over a dog @ 1:32 ?

:rofl :rofl :rofl


Nicole, you shouldn’t be scared of flying. This is like a one in a million thing. I’ll happily hop on the next plane and fly to anywhere…f’in love flying. So much that if someone offered me an IT Contractor/Consultant position for the same money I make now, I’d accept on the spot.

In all my flights I have only been on one that remotely made me nervous…when last years tornadoes hit the south east, I was flying into Panama City on my way back from a business trip in Houston and it got quite bumpy/creaky.

ok thanks