I would s**t myself.


Airport authority spokesman Octavio Lina said part of the flooring near the affected section gave way, exposing some of the cargo below, and part of the ceiling also collapsed. “Upon disembarkation, there were some passengers who vomited. You can see in their faces that they were really scared,” he said.


x2 for the title

fuck that shit. i’m scared of flying already.

OT: Parody thread.

title: I s**t myself.

body: [use your imagination]

meh, its just a flesh wound.

that will buff right out

god damn that would be scary.

I know they have 200mph tape in racing but do they have 600mph tape to fix that?:uhh:

lol naw they’re going to have to bondo that shit.

break out the superglue.

Qantas is like the only airline to never have crashed a plane. I’ll take two tickets to paradise please.

wood glue