F*ck its hot!!!!

Ill be complaining soon enough.

Ive seen you in shorts at atco in november and a t shirt when we did my first motor work in -12.

was hot, but i really dont let it bother me… i like when its hot, the bitches tend to wear less and less clothing!

I will take the heat anyway. I work outside too. Snow/ cold sucks

True but at a certain point they just stay inside and you don’t see them at all. :lol

haha yess, very good point… and at the point we all lose :rofl

I think that might explain the lack of scenery at the gym lately. Its been a giant sausage fest for the past few weeks.

I would live in the desert in the American Southwest.
Death Valley.
Lancaster CA.
Bring the heat.

Go try it and get back to me.

Next year.
I fucked up my plans of driving to Death Valley this year in June/July. Buck-25 as a daytime high = :excited

You’re white?

me and my dad only worked a half day today just to recover from this week and finish off a long day tomorrow. Working 8 hour days straight in this heat isn’t good for ya. The first few days are fine, and then it starts adding up.

damn it wasnt that bad! i work outside and ill take this heat over the cold anyday! i hate snow/salt/freezing rain. if you cant stand the heat stay inside and stop bitching

Let me know how you feel about that in 20 years.

I’m fat. I’ll take 15 degrees over 90 any day of the year.

ill still say it wasnt bad but i wont still be in this profession then…

I’m fat and I’ll definitely take the heat over snow.

you could probably lose a few pounds in this heat


Tonight should be an evening high record!.. It’s 91 degrees right now! WTF


The Central Air just doesn’t want to shut off as the Nymo dial spins wildly!.