F/S KTeller 2.5" exhaust

not worth selling anything on here.

Is this the one with the huge crease in it from where you bottomed out??




Nope, Car is far too high off the ground for that to happen.

This exhaust is fucked


Just givin ya a little taste of your own medicine:D:shifty

Hey guys. I heard this exhaust is damaged. You guys hear anything about it?

QUICK…everyone neg rep the scammer!!:vlad

Scammer with his broken ass exhaust

Maybe I should trade him my spare X pipe and then bitch about it like the guy that didnt even bother test driving the Accord

ya, maybe you should do that.


I think we should stick the seller in a garbage can

He’ll fit in a bathroom garbage can. Maybe one of those with the foot pedal.

Have him talk while he’s in there and tell people its R2D2 or something



best for sale thread ever :rofl

Checking in from bimmerforums, this guy sold me a car with no engine, told my wife it had a starter issue.

Total scammer, buyer beware.