F8L BITE vs Cougarspeed

1st run - 40ish start, he was ahead by a good car at 110 shut down

2nd run - was out top end pull. he was ahead the same till 120ish then i ricer flew by and pulled 5th :tspry:

drews car is gonna stomp people left and right

awesome… i cant believe its that fast.

BITCHES AIN’T SHIT!!! Wait till I go to the track again. :snky:

10z y00!

Was that on the big shot Drew?

Niiiiice :tup:

Great story, so very descriptive. Maybe go into a little more depth for all the people who don’t know what car F8L Nibbler is. :slight_smile:

2.2 kb cobra

Cobras or Vipers that have vanity plates that have anything to do with snakes are SUPER lame.


more lame than a pirate sticker…

The snake reference is definitely something that someone who is midlifing (& beyond) would think is cool.

Pirates are universally cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

Personal plates are lame :smiley:
I wonder if SHT BOX is available for my car… I want to park near Geoff with it.

I thought another post said it was a ported eaton?

All that matters is it is slower then me. :slight_smile:

omg the next time i see in mighty im going to pull in at 50 and t bone u

HAHAHAHAH Does it bother you that much when you don’t win? Looks like street king should only take out his own stang. Who do you think I learned to talk shit from?

Bring slicks,…Not Excuses

son of a bitch

lol seriously, t bone @ max speed

HAHAHAHA do the M5 not the rx7 plz.

A ported eaton with a winky face … lol.

This is the same car from Bubble Tea 2002…