Fabrication FAILS

Well… the CRX with the turbo coming out of the hood is from my old shop ( Adam’s Automotive) in Fort Walton, Fl. was built years ago before all these aftermarket parts came out. Was for function, not looks, yet worked. That ugly little pos could fly.

that was done by professionals?
You mean to tell me that simply because there wasn’t an aftermarket “kit” for these cars yet that this is the best you could come up with? I mean, you had no inspiration at all from all the factory turbocharged cars on the market at the time as to how to fabricate this, so you just stuck it a mile out of a sawzalled opening in the hood to “make it work”?


OMG please tell me your kidding. I have been building turbo headers since 1998, and they all have looked the same as my latest set. Machines like mills and lathes have been around for well over 100 years, and I have made nice parts with a hand drill and a good angle grinder.

Please tell me your kidding, if not, remind me never to ask you to help on anything…

There was time limit. A contest between shops to see what they could come up with, and only having limited parts. Then it was sent off to the track to run with the others. Pretty much redneck engineering. Now I think, it sits with a 350 in it.

wow, have you never built anything just for the hell of it? It wasn’t built for SEMA, just to run down the track & try to blow it up. Sometimes, when you have a group of friends, ideas, fun, crazy stuff pops up, you might want to slap something together. God forbid it doesn’t meet up to your “turbo header” anal retentive experience. 11 years of building headers? Boring job, might want to move on to other things. That way you can bless us with more of your tool knowledge. As far as asking me for help, lol, I don’t think you’d be able to afford my labor rate.

This thread is funny for multiple reasons. :tup:

OMG this thread is such a WIN, I am rollin over here

Actually I fly planes for a living, but no, I have never made abortions like the one you created. As a 14 year old I could build better than that, even while drinking. That car its the adult version of a tree fort.

Stop churching it up, that shops a hack. There is no way your labor rate, degree or excuses can make this any better


I think I’d be better off having a semi-retarded chimpanzee work on my car…:bloated:

There’s making shit for the fun of it and there’s making shit that is down right f*ucking stupid. This is the latter of the two.

I think you would have been better off just keeping your mouth shut and not telling us that you were the one that put that abomination together. Why don’t you take it out back and put it out of its misery.

That was the point. Making a 7.03 sec. rolling turd (1/8 mile) out scrap parts & in 7 hours, to prove a point to some V8 guys was fun. :suicide:

From what I’ve seen, I think it would have fit in really nice at that S & R meets.


^^^ haven’t seen that one yet, lol

Ok so why don’t you do us all a favor and better describe why you created that monstrosity? Don’t all hondas have gobs of room under the head to easily fab up a turbo kit, even with scraps…

Was it b series or d?

And do you realize that picture has been all over the web for years as what NOT to do to a car, EVER. Do you really not understand all the hate coming your way?

That thing you are taking credit for did not run 7.0 in the 1/8 if it even ran. Trust me on that one take your bull shit else where no one cares what you have to say.

I didn’t build it, was just there. It was just something to do. Would have loved to been a part of it. It was a B-series, which know they all have tons of room, so why was it put on like that… shits & giggles.

Your right, it was 7.63. If you can’t run under 8 in your civic, there is something wrong.

Wow, what is it with people here? No wonder why the car/race scene is so lame up here. Never meet some many people up here that hate on so many rides. Why, cause the engine isn’t tucked? Cause they built something different & faster than you?
When I came back, I looked forward to hanging out, wrenching, and racing with some of these people here, fuck that. There’s more talk on here about Jail bait chicks than actual automotive shit. Peace out.

why isnt speedpeds car on here?

Bye bye ::kisses::
