Failvis and FPGreen...And Nicole sucking face with Johawk

Not to mention it’s a free country and free forum so suck my senile(note to yourself on how to spell correctly) cock.

I think i might just keep posting in here until someone cries like a bitch…

please refer to websters dictionary for definition of arrogant please.

Never argued the fact that i’m an arrogant prick…but senile? Nope.

Fuck dude, you should be happy about this. At least people are watching and reading your thread…:smiley:

I’m reading this for the pure entertainment! haha

i reposted the turbo for sale on couldnt find the old for sale thread. already have 4 hits on it. should be gone hopefully by end of next week.

See it all worked out in the end…kinda like a happy ending at an asian brothel…

i can haz yellow feva?

No, that’s SRS BZNs

they also offer happy endings after haircuts too. :shifty

… bronze status

really?.. i need me one of those.

how did this thread get stickied?

i blame oppie.

you would be wrong.

ID take Toms word over failvis any day. Arrogant or not his cars dont self combust on the side of the road. HAHA.

no but it breaks axles :ohnoes

:hijacked Ill take that over a rolling inferno. In for the long haul on more Travis drama