I’m wearing a Gap polo and Dockers right now. I have no idea what all this Norwegian wear is.
I’m hip though. I’m wearing Sketchers shoes. :pimp:
I’m wearing a Gap polo and Dockers right now. I have no idea what all this Norwegian wear is.
I’m hip though. I’m wearing Sketchers shoes. :pimp:
fubu was always gay :gotme:
Rogue Status. LOL.
well if its straps, that is gaylees.
God, JNCO was the worst.
Get a job sparkling Norwegians.
+karma lol.
I remember getting a famous stars and straps sticker at a blink 182 concert when I was like 14 or 15
then all the sudden when I turned like 20/21 they were suddenly a cool clothing brand
edit: I definitely own one of these shirts too. I’ll be the first to admit it.
I have another thing to add to this thread
When I was a kid(highschool and shit) I used to wear surf shirts religiously(quicksilver,reef,billabong,element,etc…). Then the standard surf shirt went to hell. They all tried to make these sweet trendy faggy looking fitted shirts. That shit sucks. WTF happened?
I remember being at a Blink 182 concert when I was 14 or 15.
then all the sudden when i turned like 18/19 they were suddenly a cool band.
You’re lucky you don’t live in so cal. Every wannabe-UFC-fighter-I-drink-Mickeys-and-think-Im-tough-PS-I-drive-a-lifted-truck turd wears this shitty clothing. When are people going to get a sense of style?