Rob dyrdek's shirts

i’m not sure if ya’ll seen rob and big like thread farther down the page but i’ve been searching and searching for one of his shirts and can’t seem to find it…

its the shirts with all the guns that go diagonally across the whole entire shirt. he had them in many different colors… if ya know where to get em then lemme know!!!

i want to say its a circa shirt becaus they have ones with knives i believe, but that would make no sense because he rides for dc so maybe dc makes them

I’m 99% positive it’s DC, because i have a purple DC hoodie with guns and shit all over it.

its dc, hes sponsered by dc for mtv show.

Clarified it already :thumb

Making your statement 100% correct sooo :number1

thanks braaaahhhh

Bro, he’s the founder of DC Shoes. He started it back in 1993.

LOL thats what i ment to say, i was thinking about a shawn white for FUSE, <-- im watchin that show now so i got it confused. My bad.

no kidding, i don’t even skate and i knew that. droors has always made nice kicks and clothes.

werd! surprised that wasn’t known by all the rob & big fans.

doesnt rob dyrdek own a bunch of different skateboard related companies?

wow r u guys retared ken block owns dc then he sold it so he can focus more on rally


yea what he said but if u really think rob owned dc u need to step up on ur pop culture

woah… dont be hatin

I’m not retarded. I just didn’t go that far back. Relax bud.

Didn’t Dyrdek get rich by creating some truck company?

which one is it chief :lol

no offence he really aint all that hyped up to what they say hes good but not that good