Famous stars and straps

I don’t see why people freak out when other people wear clothing that supports a sport.

I personally don’t like affliction or tapout, BUT they support a lot of fighters, and those fighters deserve the money they make AND if it wasn’t for these companies those fighters wouldn’t make the money they make.

It’s like making fun of someone wearing pumas, or a nike shirt… and saying, “hey fggt, lets see you catch a 50 yrd pass” just because he is wearing a pair of pumas, because puma sponsors plenty of national sport leagues.

HOLLISTER/ABERCROMBIE, AMERICAN EAGLE, EXPRESS, GUESS, ECT… do NOT support the people who BUY there clothes.

FSAS, BILLABONG, FOX, HURLEY ECT all support local and national riders,surfers,musicians.

So why people who post in this thread are making such a big deal about this is beyond me.

i <3 monarchy tshirts

they are nice too, probably better than affliction

no I know. but there’s a lot more of a punk and skate influence in the store then ghetto…by far. i’d say that’s a little off base.

and yeah, affliction shit is ugly as fuck.

I really hate it when people dress super boring. It almost always means that the person is in fact boring.

I also hate when people take it too far to where they stand out considerably. What you wear, says a lot about who you are. That is true whether you like it or not. I spend a lot of time “people watching”, so I would know.

dress in the shit you like. Support companies who are funding your intersts. If you like moto-x, you better support the people who sponsor the riders, or no more moto-x. If you like music, support the bands you like. If you like looking like a douche bag, shop in the women’s needs isle at the grocery store.

anybody that kept their mouths shut in here about owning a particular brand of shirt, just cause other people don’t approve of it, is a fggt

Guys who wear girls jeans are fggts.

I’m bumping this back up because on my way in to work while sipping a rockstar I pulled up behind a heavily modded (with stickers) integra. I noticed he had a famous stars and straps sticker in the rear window and I chuckled a bit.

From the light he guns it and cuts over to the other lane and slows. I am still driving along holding the wheel with my knee and shifting slowly. Suddenly I hear brr, BRRR, BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA… still see no car… BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA then out of the corner of my eye I see famous stars and straps slowly pulling up to my right. I am still kind of half awake so I am mildly confused as to what is going on, look down at my tach 2400 rpm, im in 4th gear at about 40 mph.

He slowly pulled a car on me eventually, I think he topped out at 50. :gotme:

hahahaha i saw a bunch of fggts at the mall all wearing those shirts and all i could think about was this thread.

I wore my F shirt yesterday

screw you all

I wouldent buy Famous anymore due to how many people wear it… but I have owned some shirts in the past. I dont think their stuff is that bad.

TAPOUT is super gay. Unless you are contracted to the company as a fighter.

NO FEAR is for white trash.

I can’t wait to paint a FamousSAS F on CTN’s vehicle.

edit: OH, and anyone who wears a POLO every day of the week is a huge FGGT. Especially if his name happens to be Paulo.

LOL at you pairing AF with DG, DG is def not crap, its a quality Italian designer

EDIT: Unless DG stands for something other than Dolce&Gabbana?

HAHAHAHA. Why don’t you get your g/f to buy you more polo’s from Express!

TapouT is def the new age “NO FEAR” gear. FGGT’s that think their toughguys

dude dont compare rogue to stars and straps… rogue status is sick


add xtreme couture to the list of faggot brands.

LOL. Damn you and your magnolia ties!

Newman your getting a Famous F on your car soon…sneaky sneaky
