fans of cursive:

i still haven’t left
where’s my rideeeee!!!

work owns me

god damn … the thermals sucked ass

was the floor as spongy as ever there?

it smelled like tar.

i enjoyed the thermals.

:bloated: that crap gives me a headache

show was good. although… idk about them asking for an encore… wtf is that?



“But if you guys are real loud, we might know a few more songs”


every show there is an encore…

the show was fantastic. the setlist was almost perfect. finishing with big bang was strong, but it would have been stronger if they finished with… hold on i am copying the title from itunes… Excerpts From Various Notes Strewn Around the Bedroom of April Connolly, Feb 24, 1997. i would have loved to hear that perfomed.

I also really like happy hallow. i think the brass works really well. kind of like they progressed a little.

bump because happy hollow is still dissapointing to me.

I mean, honestly, I like it, but it is no Ugly Organ. But then again, that album is perfection. Every song is like a story that is perfectly written to music.

Anyway, I like ‘Happy Hollow’, but I was expecting more. This album seems like they are just writing boring music about boring shit. ‘Big Bang’ is pretty entertainting, but the rest of the songs just seem so meaningless. Maybe I’m expecting too much?

this is the truth… i like heavy shit… and i listen to that cd at least once a day

Their video for ‘Big Bang’ is on their profile

lol, they have THE WORST videos ever.

i LOVE cursive


I’m bringing this thread back to life. The more I listen to Happy Hallow, the more I like it. It has surpassed The Ugly Organ for me. I love the anti-religion stuff. Lyrically, it is more grown up than the being down about relationships and new music rants that was on their old albums. Not that I am putting the previous albums down, but it makes me really excited to hear what they come up with next.

no cello = no care


no cello = no care


The brass man… the brass.


Mama, I’m Swollen

Listening to it right now; anyone else hear it yet?