One band or genre you really wish people could appreciate

personally i wish more people liked metal… some amazing talent with the guitars…

Vision of Disorder, The Minor Times and Russian Circles are always over looked.

wow VOD… i still have all of their albums. I need to listen to them again.

Hanson :wink: :gotme:

Subpoppy indyrock


but then again if it were popular I wouldn’t like it

rap. it’s so good and takes so much talent, but noone really appreciates all the hard work of those blackies.

lol. blackies.

two CD’s i got on rotation right now

Alexisonfire - Crisis not bad alexisonfire always deserves a run through or two…

Heaven Shall Burn - Deaf to Our Prayers - metal core WOO

i still like how most people tell me that there is no talent in metal/ hardcore… ALL they do is scream… (this is coming from a kid thats obsessed with kelly clarkson, whom i Doubt writes any of her shit or has anything to do with producing it)

harp music.

shit makes me cry.

Check out the first album put out by Zao. By far the best cd ever.

Hit The Lights

like you said about the guitars. it doesn’t matter if it’s punk/screamo/hardcore/rock w/e but guitarists these days are becoming unreal. the people that say the guitars and double bass is annoying, would be like saying lil’ john saying YEAHHH 80 times per song is annoying. but no, they still like it lol.

Cap’n Geech & Shrimp Shack Shooters

God Fobid needs more attention…metal all together should get more notice

Older Tragically Hip stuff and Gord Downie solo stuff.

I KNOW THE HIP ARE BIG AROUND HERE but they are not big globally.
Kids will buy anything MTV pushes and it pains me to see the CRAP they push.
Knowing that kids will buy anything why doesn’t MTV push true artists?!?

Coke Machine Glow is amazing.

probably because tragically hip are annoying as hell. their music is good, the singers voice blows.

but i do agree with you that mtv plays nothing but garbage.


I have heard other people say that.
I like it but, then again I am half deaf.:stuck_out_tongue:
Maybe that is why I see older people at their concerts.:lol:


i really like bjork, but i think people like her, which may disqualify her from this thread… although i’m not quite sure if the people who say they like her really do or not… some people call her trendy :gotme:

Job for a Cowboy, Mortal Treason, Mnemic, The Acacia Strain, The Agony Scene, Shattered Realm, Misery Signals…Really good Metal if you like that kinda stuff. I like the stuff that the vocalist of VOD is doing with Bloodsimple, pretty good stuff