Fans of the Philadelphia Eagles

Nope, not at all.

I’m agreeing with Nick here on how people go crazy about “their” team as if they personally know people on the team and broadcast their feelings and such everywhere like anyone cares.
However, I have to say I will watch it here and there if it’s on TV where ever I may be at a point in time whether it be a party, family gathering, hanging out at a friend’s house but absolutely couldn’t care less.

Haha, that makes sense. And like I mentioned, I am 100% sure I’d enjoy a live football game and can really appreciate the talent it takes to get them there. I’ll have to attend one. I can guarantee I will not be watching a game on TV on a regular basis however.

Depends where you go as well. Part of the reason I hate the giants is because of their fans. When I went out to seattle to see a game, my brother, father, brother in law and myself came very close to fighting a giant fan who was by himself and belligerently drunk. I didn’t see any of that from seattle fans.

What you missed was quite literally a 180 degree turn for the worst after the half.

After that, I am converting to the Pats. Done.

You do understand one drunken fan does not make up an entire fan base correct?


How do people let a team get them so upset if they lose? How does a team playing bad or whatever affect your life? Unless your betting money on it it doesnt make fuckin difference.

Very interesting that you would use that argument.

but yes… Ive been, to giant stadium twice and hated the fans and I was also in the city when they won the superbowl.

Same reason people can get so upset over racing cars.

Ive been before and never seen any problems but then again I tend to ignore people unless it has any thing to do with me

I follow some things myself and I feel very strongly about them: AMD Processors and Canon cameras to a name two of them. I would NEVER go out of my way to bash the opposers though. I will not start online fights as to who is better and I will certainly not refer to them as we (until I work for AMD or Canon, lol) Maybe this is a different situation…

Yeh but this is YOUR car that you put YOUR money into and YOUR time. A pro team you have nothing to do with

Not if you have them in your fantasy league god

Pentium is best. We will race you from a roll to 3GHz any day

I love me some foosball. Some damn good/interesting games today.

The guy behind me in Seattle was honestly the most obnoxious individual I have met in my life. He was standing so close that his fat fucking stomach was touching my back. Seattle was getting hammered and he was still screaming “security points” in the fourth quarter. He even put his hands on my brother in law. The guy sitting next to him switched seats with his son so that his son didnt have to deal with him. It was just uncalled for and ruins the experience.

But that’s directly competing, not following some goons on the TV. Do you get mad if your friend looses…or better yet someone you don’t know?

Yea thats why I won’t go to games that often. If it is a rival game I wont attend but if its just a random game I would go

True, but then again, it doesn’t mean shit to have the fastest car in the area if you think about it, it only means something to someone who cares about it.

As for money, all teams need support to stay afloat… you don’t have fans you don’t have a team.