Fans of the Philadelphia Eagles

No… but thats because I don’t take any car racing seriously. I’m a team sport guy in general and I love the sport of football.

Lol, you mean Intel Lance! And, to be honest and off topic…Intel currently out-performs AMD :slight_smile: I still choose AMD, but I can admit defeat of ma boyz!

Yeah we just like to nickname ourselves Pentium… keep it real. I don’t know shit about computers/processors hahah

Lol, understandable then. I guess I’m just not a team player type of person so that might explain my whole issue with the situation at hand.

For the record, I don’t take racing seriously either. I just have to win them all.

Word, I can understand that and respect peoples choices, but Il tell yah, being in a stadium full of screaming people who all love the same team as you is something I couldn’t put into words.

No, I understand that. It’s like my goons and I and the rest of the spectators all at an Anberlin concert singing and slamming each other to out favorite song/s. Prob a similar situation :thumbup

I honestly am no longer going to be able to communicate with most of you on this forum after reading some of these ridiculous posts.

Pretty much

You’re a tool for making another shift name, and a bigger tool for calling it Leonidas.

Who do you talk to anyway Leo? Lol. You just drink!

rightttt… yah you got it. don’t listen to leogaydus


Well that was easy

Hey look, the kid with the limited vocabulary is acting hard on the internet again.

Haha I wouldn’t call that acting hard at all, I would just deem it calling it as I see it.

Lol. Touche.

Lol. Have any Absinthe lately?

After that horrible game yesterday i am still proud to call myself a Giants fan.

you guys are a bunch of fucking goons special mini sean

Coming from you that statement holds no validity