Fantasy Football?

any nyspeed leagues going on this year… didn’t see any posts about it.


I’ll set one up if we can get enough people.

do it up, im people would even submit secondary teams

do it on yahoo…

i got a league setup i’ll send out invites… post up here if you want one. It’s on yahoo.

I’ll take an invite.

I’ll take one

I’ll do one up with you guys if ya do it.

send me one… I haven’t been allowed to play since the convicted felon league…


also in

I’ll send the invites out later tonight when i get home from work.

What kind of draft will we be doing?

Live in person, live online, autodraft?

live online. Though i suppose we could do a meet somewhere. I have a draft sept 6th at noon so i was just scheduled this one at 130pm the same day.

PM’s sent for invites.

So that’s 8 total counting myself if everyone signs up. we could probably squeeze a few more in if anyone wants in still…

Signed up


Pete North’s LongShots are set to run shit.

Snoodling Snip-Tips are ready to chop it up.