Farmer Chat

Did someone just watch Food Inc?

You say that like its a good thing? lol

How far north? lancaster, sat and sunday has a nice spread, and they have icecream

No, you will never end your rant… I think it works like that even with the DOD.

Same here. I have had to put my arm where I dont think little baby lord wanted to have a human arm placed. BUT I did it.

Stayner On.


I milked 100 or so cows in HS for a while. I really liked doing it actually.

cows are fucking retarded. Oh the stories. I had a bull come at me once, good thing there was a 2x4 near buy. No idea what would have happened if I was in the pasture.

yes, i know what you mean. I hate getting pooped on…


true story, working at a milk farm with a group of migets… well small build guys. They asked me to dip the nipples, so I did, but soon learned. DO NOT approach from the south, travel east or west…

I can say I dont miss my hand being the color of iodine for ever. I did however find it funny that after a week my pants could actually stand on there own.