FAST LSX 90mm intake & Nick Williams 90mm throttle body

I am going in a different direction with my car and no longer need this. I would prefer to trade for an LS6 intake + $550 my way or straight cash $850 for the intake and TB. Thanks.

Good luck! When i was trying to sell mine anyone who would want it was broke.

Thats usually the case… i figured someone with an 01-02 would want to trade up with their stock manifold (which is what i want anyway) and knock some $ off… eh if it doesn’t sell locally after a while, i will just put it on LS1tech, i would just rather not go through the hassle of shipping and paypal.

If only I had $550 to blow.

if this doesn’t sell in a little lemme know jim as i’m sure Billy will want it for his camaro.

will do patrick

I have a Ls1 and will have the ls6 off the vette, but you’d have to ship. Can’t use your t/b. It would also have to wait until the car was at my new house, so after nov 20th. Let me know :slight_smile: