Fast/Quick Honda Guys, Pull up a chair

thats how i feel, i wish i could build my own and i was planning on building my own del sol, but right now im just not in any financial shape to do it. im going to settle for an already turboed hatch. i know thats such a bad thing, haha but it should make for a fun summer at least.

oh and i loved that del sol when mickdad had it, it was such a sexy car. hopefully you dont molest it too much, but if you do, it better look damn good.

this is true if the panel of judges judging the coolness factor are highschool girls :wink:

I would be super pumped for that nothing beats highschool girls

half nude high school girls> high school girls.

haha agreed.This is such a stupid drama filled highschool “i have a bigger dick than you” competition. Everyone that has had a large part in the bullshit drama in this thread (its obvious who you are) just shut your stupid fuckin egotistical e-thug asses up and show your face at a southgate meet and settle your im faster than you, for cheaper or for more battle there. Whether its on the street, the 400 or even the track.By the sounds of everything people need to start taping runs again because of people lying about who pulled who and how much.I dont care who says who beat who, if theres no time slip or video, its inconclusive and doesnt mean shit to any intelligent person.

haha, you know im down for some southgate action, i always had fun when i went there. there was minimal bs and just about anyone was down to race.

thats exactly the mentality i have every summer. i love running people, and losing is good kuz it lets you kind of gauge where you are and who you can beat, if i run someone and they win im the last person in the world to get all pissy about it.

haha i didnt care about losing, i had fun just getting out and meeting new people. my first night there, i called out everyone i could and didnt really care.

yea southgate usually is chill as hell and people meet new people and get some fun runs in then you get the occasional random ricers and fbod idiots ( not saying its anyone on here) show up and burn out and shit and get the cops called there.

My volkswagen rules. And so do high school girls. So I am ok with this conclusion :tup:

well if i pick up that hatch from boardjunky, you will see me out there alot.

:tup: do it!


who are you and what do you drive?

oh i will, im just waiting for my tax return to come in the mail. its a good one this year, so a turbo hatch is a must.

haha i had the cleanest ef in the area with a b16 swap and all the bolt on goodies. it didnt last long seeing as i had a not so good meeting with the guardrail on the 400.

nothing special, but i was a honda noob and just wanted to have some fun.

ahhhhh u have 666 posts, neway, ya sg is a good time, especially when ur bored at home, you can always just cruise upm there and chill with whoevers there

yeah, i live in the southtowns, so it was always a good time cruising up there. it seemed people at sg were more friendly than the mighty guys. they were all about their little clans/ groups. it was like segregated when i went there and i felt not-very-welcomed.

yea almost everyone at southgate is cool. We welcome noobs as long as there not asshats.Mighty on the other hand is a dif story

haha i didnt help that i got pulled over in mighty parking lot my first time up there. stupid amherst cops hastling me for nothing and then apologizing for giving me shit when i flashed the military id.