Fathers new car.


He traded in his 2.4 Solstice yesturday for the new gxp. In my opinion, the car rides and handles even better, and lets not forget the added 100 horse (thank you boost gods). Ill post some more pics up in a few need to do some HW.

Looks good!

Cool car, this is the sc or turbo one?

all GXP Solstices are equiped with turbo

Nice scoot!

i like the black one better but a guess a 100hp would make me change my mind also

Awesome car.

schweeet ride

Needs LS1. Very slick though. I think I saw him driving around. What’s he look like?


nice tell him congrats i know he has been waiting a long time


they are decent cars to drive. i got to putt one around the other day.

boost :yum:


Very nice indeed.


they let u drive the cars there ?:scared:

alot better than letting you drive them…

Need underhood pics, I wanna see how they turbo the Eco in those things.