Favorite breakfast food...

on a more serious note, i never eat breakfast and unless we have a lunch event at work i really have no desire to eat before dinnertime. Carryover from waking up around 1PM for the last 5 years

either eggo waffles or a bowl of cereal. along with a banana

Congee with salted pork and preserved eggs every morning.

cereal during the week

waffles on weekends

anything left over is alwaqys the best breakfest

Favorite would be bacon but I rarely eat breakfast. On weekends cereal or pancakes or eggs, toast and bacon.

A four o


mmmmm mcd’s breakfast sausge biscuit with egg for me though mmm the crumbly biscuit.

If i make it:


sautee’d until tender, toss in mushrooms and teriyaki sauce cook it in crack two eggs into the mix stir until it looks like someone barfed throw in some cheese singles melt it all together. slap it on a plate with some toast :slight_smile:

breakfast foods are the only food i could eat all day any day and not get bored with it…typically don’t have time in the morning for it, but between school and work:

-3 scrambled eggs with some cheddar cheese mixed in.
-some bacon or sausage, depending on the mood.
-2 pieces of toast, or french toast, again, depending.

a great combo is the scrambled eggs with cheese on the toast, with bacon, sandwich style, with ketchup…ugh, so good…

during the week I’ll usually grab a banana on the way out the door. if I have time, I’ll cook which usually consists of 4-6 eggs, toast, and oscar mayer ready serve bacon ftmfw.

my lord the LDL in here is ridic.

pancakes with real maple syrup, 3 eggs cooked however milk or oj, and some heroin

favorite is a pepperjack cheese omelet filled with ham bacon and sausage, little hotsauce dropped on top of it