What's for Breakfast?

I used to start the day off with 3 hard boiled eggs but now I gag when I try to eat them (insert gag reflex joke here).

So what do you do for the “most important meal of the day?”

Inserted poll for my own personal amusment.



i usually dont east breakfast, but if i do its usually junk food at work.

You can’t do blow for breakfast…thats more of a brunch thing…


I like Tim Hortons Plain bagel…double toasted/double buttered with a Choc. Milk or Apple Juice


2 Glazed Krispy Kremes and a chocolate milk.

Omlette today

what ever she makes me… :slight_smile:

I had a breakfast sandwich from the cafeteria at work this morning.

I might be addicted to them…

got up early superpumped today to have breakfast this morning and then passed out and ended up grabbing a cigarette and a diet coke w/ lime on the wayout

Blueberry muffin from the caf at work.

Supermodel diet?

I was late to work because thick cut bacon takes longer to cook.

I had eggs too. Scrambled. With some sort of hot pepper cut up in them.

Thanks for asking.

Great, now I’m getting hungry.

I need some sort of person that will wake up and cook me something like that in the morning…

What do they call those people Fry?

onion bagel, toasted w/butter
mug of coffee

Made me late because the bagel was frozen.

exactly. you dont look this good from eating waffles and bacon.

when i was at praxair i did eat alot more, cause that buffet on fridays was amazing.

oh hey fry im eatting poutine fries you know the ones with cheese and gravy.right now as i speek. from jims :tup:

hold the Fone here they have a buffet… can i have a app to work there or who do i send my resume to ?

usually just a banana

yea boring cereal here…