Pancakes Vs. Bacon

Is this a poll?

Can I have both please?

Unfortunatly I can’t edit the poll, otherwise I’d fix that comma and add that.

real men eat bacon

Then, I choose bacon.

a bacon and pancake sammich. duh.

here it comes again, bacon salt would let you have the taste of bacon on your fluffy pancakes.

thats some pussy shit right there

porkchop sandwiches!

ah fuck get the fuck outta here!

Pancakes with Peanut butter spread on top with syrup

Yes, but why substitute when you can do the manly thing. And put real bacon into the pancake mix. :tspry:

wehn the bacon salt comes we are goin for pancakes beeyatch

:headbang: :headbang:

jesus, I think I had a minor heart attack looking at that pic

i like turtles


No contest.

Pancakes are nothing but filler/fuel. Bacon is pure taste. Bacon gets the nod.

come on you guys know that this is a stupied question for the guy that works with meat for a living!

mmmm bacon sammich made with pancakes for bread

butter your bacon boy! butter it!

i really like pancakes… but i love me some bacon :slight_smile: