Would you eat this?


If you answered the poll: “yes” then you may have an obesity problem.
If you answered the poll: “no” then you are a pansy, afraid of an all american meal.

where tf is pancakes and bacon?

Sounds fucking fantastic!

of course i would, id pretty much eat shit if it had gravy on it

sureshot u forgot the choise of “oh fuck no!”


i love don

however, i do not love pancake covered sausages on a stick.

it’s like a McGriddle (delicious) without the egg and cheese… Giddy-up.

EDIT - Not too excited about the chocolate chips though…

I’m such a fatty. :frowning:

yeah, why wouldn’t i?

looks good

i would end up probably doing a non-flying Hawaiian. (that would not be cool)!

Agreed, I would eat that. Pancake smothered bacon.

looks pretty gross actually… probably tastes even worse.

home made pancakes and bacon/sausage FTW

No, but only because of the chocolate chips.

I’d eat two!


need lost of syrup

:tup: I’d eat it

my kid eat one every morning before daycare. No chocolate chips tho. They are good

pix of kid?

edit: i’m tired of waiting.
