ORLY? How often do you go out to breakfast with Paulo?
Not a clue. If you figure it out let me know because I could use one.
It’s starting to lose its luster. High quantity can only overwhelm low quality for so long. Apparently about 2 years…
i dont know whether i should make a joke about your car, or a joke about how you like it in the ass.
I dont know him … is he cute?
He’ll cut your head off.
He’s Canadian, so I just figured he’d be in on the fries and gravy.
ahhh… nope… the wife got them yesterday for dinner and could not eat them all so i have them for lunch and am eating them now
On Sundays a few friends of mine and I go to ZJ’s in hamburg. They have the best eggs benedict…last sunday i got my home fries with gravy and onions…it was orgasmic.
Not as hot as skunk and a banana though. Fggt.
Am I the only person who does not eat breakfast. I always wake up at the last possible minute so I have never had time to ever…
Sounds nutritious.
I can’t eat anything for 3-4 hours after I wake up, makes me sick if I do. The exception is on the weekends when I roll out around 1PM or so. Breakfast is really better at 3PM.
Besides, I wake up at 8:15 in williamsville and make it into my office on the 19th floor downtown at 9. Some things just have to be cut from the morning routine.
Today i ate 10 cheese filled chicken nuggets for breakfast.
I have to poop already.
What kind of breakfast can you eat with chopsticks?:ohnoes:
hun that was not from the nuggets :io:
yep …right there
In todays society I think they are called Unicorns.
Half hour before food, Bifidopholous, It’s a probiotic that adds the organisms back into your digestive system to aid in proper digestion and support the glandular system.
I have a bowl of Kashi Go Lean cereal, once you get used to it it’s great. Glass of pure OJ followed by the following
-One a day Maximum (finishing these off and getting a vegetable based multi vitamin)
- Fish oil, flax seed oil, Borage oil capsule Omega 3, 6, 9
- Energ-V (natural herbal capsule with builders for cells)
- All Cell Detox (natural herbal capsule blend to detoxify cells and improve digestion)
- Chinese Mineral-Chi Tonic, 1 tablespoon mixed with something liquid to kill the taste, it’s super healthy and helps balance out your energy against the 12 meridians (what accupuncture is based on) 46 minerals and supports the thyroid, lymph nodes, immune and circulation.
It’s alot of shit. However I feel like I could fuck a marathon all day
Karma for marathon fucking/cage fighter training.
You know how I know you’re gay?
lol, Im just very Homeopathic and Hollistic (look those words up if you dont know what they are), always have been. This kind of attitude stretches into everything I do especially my work. So it would make more sense now why I would always push people to do that maintenance that there cars so badly needed because an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.