What's for Breakfast?

I dont eat before work, would rather sleep the extra 15 mins

honey bunches of oats with cinnamon, and a timmy hoes Ice Cap.

cereal, with my son.

Don, please turn in your burly card.


how does he taste?

Nilla Wafers…


Well if it makes anything better I usually mix my mineral tonic with Crown :stuck_out_tongue:

i dont spank him, so tender.:stuck_out_tongue:

You’re on the right track. Step 2 is subtracting the mineral tonic. Homeopath. :stuck_out_tongue:

Jebus. Ditch the Kashi and you’ve actually reached the Jetsons style meal in a pill.

cocoa krispies

Right! I know.

Make a flying car! DO IT!

I was going to call you out on the Kashi, but to my surprise it’s not 100% synthetic. (It tastes like it though.) It’s actually totally natural. Somewhat processed, but no chemicals. I thought for sure that shit was a chemically engineered fiber filled epoxy.

I like the kashi 3 mushroom pizzas…but we’ll save that for the “Whats for lunch?” thread.

It’s great,

I have not tried the pizzas I want to though. The waffles are good.

I am looking for more natural food recipes, the average american diet is piss poor and we wonder why we are all disease ridden

back on topic

two words:


two more, GRIM ACE

Sweet baby jesus…

Don made me eat a grimace the first time I went there. I would have killed him if i would have been able to move afterwards…

God that was delicious.

:word: My in laws have gone on a high fat, high protein, all natural grass fed free range wild ocean whatever diet. You know, eating plants and animals that have grown the way they have evolved to grow. Food our grandparents ate, not food our grandparents wouldn’t recognize as food.

They both are off their cholesterol/blood pressure medicine and their doctors told them they have the blood of 18 year olds and want to know what the thell they’re doing.

Hence my free range eggs and home grown peppers for breakfast. The bacon wasn’t necessarily organic, but when I usually eat cafeteria food it’s a great start.

all in moderation my dear. a spoon full of grizzle makes the hamburger go down!