What's for Breakfast?

exactly, shit i think i llost 20 lbs just eating right and doing nothing else.

Umm, simple answer…


more people need to learn this concept, in society as a whole.

Sadly I’m full of excuses as of late, so I’ll stop preaching now.

I will say that I would have assumed You were more about mental stability as opposed to intake control.


I just love going over there for dinner now. They’ve always tried to eat healthy, but dinner used to be friggin bird food and low cal low fat diet blah blah blah. Now we eat red meat, eggs, whole milk. I can’t wait for potatoes to be healthy again.

Mental stability is questionable at best so I must work on the intake control :stuck_out_tongue:

And, you are always full of excuses, nothing new here :stuck_out_tongue:


not always, just the the last few… years.

Yea… i tried explaining this to my wife’s friend the other day. She is one of those ones who yo-yo diets HARDCORE.

edit, save the rant. save the world.

Private poll FTL. I want to know who the 3 moes eating a steaming hot slab of Nikuk are. That must be somewhere between salty and bitter. :lol:

some like it :gotme: sounds like you have not found her yet…shoot the wife a pm

You’re such a noob.

Why? Because I haven’t bothered exploring the admin CP for where I can find who voted what? :apathy:

Mommy and Daddy always bicker in front of us kids

Change it to a public poll then super duper moderator!

MOM! DAD! Stop fighting you’re ruining my birthday party!

there is that much stuff in there to “exploreeeeeeeererererreerree” look at

why should your upbringing be any different from mine? :stuck_out_tongue:

unpossible. :frowning:

Thats unfortunate. I’m sorry I failed you Fry.

I enjoy a nice bowl of Strawberry Delight Frosted Shredded Mini Wheats, with Silk Vanilla Soy Milk.

As frosted by RJ 92?


Usually coffee only. Sometimes an apple and/or orange.