OMG I'm hungry.

I skipped dinner to go straight to working on the car. (New brakes, flush the fluid, deal with whatever VW gremlins pop up.) So I finish the car, go to make a big pile of food, and shit!!! I’ve got a cholesterol test in the morning so I’m right smack in the middle of the mandatory 10 hour fast!

On top of it all I’ve been eating really healthy lately so I’m starving for some shit food. I’m going to go get my blood drawn tomorrow morning and then go straight to rotten ronnie’s for a breakfast bagel sandwich meal! I wish it was Friday. Every Friday at Praxair they do a clean-out-the-fridge breakfast buffet: As much breakfast food as you can pile into a styrofoam box. It’s the highlight of my week. Among other breakfast treats: eggs, english muffin, pile o home fries, 3 sausage patties, pile of bacon, soak it all in red hot, gorge. They actually had to put a sign up that reads “please limit yourself to 6 meat selections.”

I’m actually debating the practicality of trying to find a pizza place that’s open at 7am…

Anyhow, yeah this thread has no point whatsoever. I’m really fucking hungry. Just sayin.

Damn thats awesome. I’m going to apply at Praxair for that reason alone.

Mmmm get some sushi, sushi always fills me up.

Still Hungry???

^^^^ I like the cheeseburger in there, looks yummy

wait…so is the big pile of food you made still there? can i come over…like right now?

+1 for fucking hungry. I want some teds hot dogs but theyre closed :cry: fucking bullshit man :tdown:

^^go get louies open 24/7 has awsome texas hot for cheap!

:lol: :headbang:

i skipped dinner to cut/fit kitchen cabinets with new hardware.

i bought 2 snickers bars at noco for .33 ea.
i’m saving that for the after noon crash.

i’ll prooly just eat my ramen noodles and hot sauce in an hour or so :slight_smile:
i keep a bj’s box of them under my desk.

Now that I’m done cramming for my cholesterol test, I’m thinking eating an entire double pepperoni pizza for lunch…

…naw I’m actually trying to get in decent shape for the wedding/honeymoon. I don’t exactly want to have a ton of honeymoon pictures of me rocking a spare tire. Plus I’ve been eating well for long enough that I don’t usually crave junk food at all anymore. Only when I’ve been drinking.

But I do fully intend to abuse the breakfast buffet tomorrow and stretch the limits of how much bacon and sausage constitutes “6 meat selections.” :headbang:

note for your honeymoon.

if you shave your head, and use sunscreen on it…
wash it before you go to the beach. otherwise you come home looking like a human pimple…
LOL… i’ll never do that again.

Full head of hair here. Plus in anticipation of my pasty skin reacting to the tropical sun, the woman and I have been tanning. Which has worked awesome. :roll2: :cjerk: I don’t know what it is about fake tanning, but my back, ass, back of my legs, and stomach are red/tan. Everything else might as well not have been in the bed. :gotme:

Bump for a buttered english muffin, a big pile of home fries soaked in hot sauce, a big pile of scrambled eggs covered in hot sauce, 3 strips of bacon, and 3 sausages. For like $3.50. I am one happy camper right now.

i envy you right now


Well a couple more Fridays of this and there will be an opening for an advanced control systems engineer once I kick…

do you folks haev internal postings with paygrades :smiley:

a place in rochester (OCD) lists pay grades on the internal
but not external…
its rediculous what a “casual part time” 20 hour salary was.
no degree req. 40k/year :frowning: