fbod and dsm owners have something in common

except for the last myspace chick, where your one response to her was “hey, i drive a honda too”


Guess I’m part of that 10% that doesn’t then. Sadly the beat to shit E30 would prob attract more girls than my Fbody.

wow another stupid post from articzap

try to make a humorous thread but everyone seems to lack humor…

and yes jeeves i have the smallest iq of everyone on here.

here beck in an attempt to better myself as a person i will make this offer if you go to the track and run you very best ever time and if it is quicker then what i run i will sell my f-body. hell ive wanted a different car for a while i just need some motivation

awesome f-bod guy mentality.

what do you run?

hahahah i knew i could get arise out of you but anyhow as far as what i run well ask some of the guys that have been around for a while they all know me military just had me gone for a year. two fridays ago it went 10.76@134 garbage ass 1.8 60ft it was my first time at a track in two years this friday it will go 10.50 or better

let me know if you can beat it i really want to go buy a vette or maybe a rx-7 and put a ls1 in it i love those

beck likes me and im a Fbod owner…hmm

I don’t have any extra parts :slight_smile:
But I do have an extra F-bod that I’ve been trying to sell for 3 months, so technically I have an extra everything

im not running 10’s.


you win.

you’d beat a 19 year old civic driver.


what kinda f bod?how much…sorry to throw this thread off

Another useless five page thread started by another useless board member who should get the bann stick as well.

awww i hope you arent talking to me that isnt nice but as far as the 19 year old civic driver comment well i dont know what to tell you they have beaten me before

3.8…hence the reason for selling it.

OT: Drew, are you still down south?

ban me then jltalon…o wait your not a mod.

hey joe just realized it was you no im in the seattle washington area now actually

Wanna race oh i forgot you dont have a car!!!

i guess thats better than having an fbod

walking > fbod owner