fbod and dsm owners have something in common

i guess ppl have a bad sense of humor :shrug: im not hating on fbods or dsms, i came close to owning each before. but w.e this thread needs to be locked now.

:rofl: :rofl:

these cars suck and i have the right to say so…because i almost owned one.

so close…yet so far away.

P.S. - I’m not laughing with you.

i dont even say they suck. the ls1 and the 4g63 are some of the best motors in there classes. all im saying is ppl are always tryin to make there cars go faster in the process break stuff or upgrade components. when this happens they usually have extra parts laying around…

I personally have no opinion, I’m just playing with ya people

784 posts and still no car :tup:

As his post count gets higher, your E.T. is supposed to get lower than his.

Good luck beating a 0.00 :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow, an innocent little observation that these two types of cars are typically highly modified and thus owners of two very different cars have something in common, and everybody gets a case of sandus vaganitis? I mean, it wasn’t that funny but so what? But I guess I shouldn’t be allowed to post because I haven’t sunk a ton of money that I’ll never see again into making a car fast.

you have a right to say anything you want.

But saying that you are “justified” to say things about them because you “almost” owned them is about as “justified” as saying : “Having sex is really fun” when you’re a virgin.

just lock this…this no more point to this its outta hand

I don’t see it being out of hand?

Off topic, maybe.

753 posts and your still a blubbering vagina :tdown:

i drive a kia or borrow one? last i heard i own my car soon to be cars. where my highly depreciated value cheerleader mobile econo box cobalt will still be worth more than any trash box u bring out.

i neva said you drive or borrow a kia…i was quoting something you randomly screamed out in the past

After reading the first 5 posts, I don’t even need to check the other three pages.

That sounds like smart forward thinking to me. :tup: to Fbod and DSM owners.

It’s a good thing to not have to shell out $$$$$ and wait forever for a part when you have 3 extras in your garage. :shrug:

So keep on laughing :slight_smile:

Also funny how many of the people here with any kind of useable automotive knowledge that can be applied either own or used to own F-bods and/or DSMs.

So the cars must be good for something. :shrug:

Good idea. You might also want to keep in my that there is no point to starting these assinine stupid threads in the first place.