The demo is out and free on steam and curious if others have downloaded/gone through it? I really enjoyed the first one has it was one of the only FPS games I remember actually making me slow down because I couldn;t react fast enough to what may be around the corner,

It seems as if 2 is no different.

So far I have only 2 complaints after finishing the demo (which was much longer than the demo for the first one if any of you remember that) are:

  1. My sound kept cutting out on parts when it was supposed to be very loud. It could be something on my end but I read others have had problems with sound so I hope it is just the demo and not the new comp

  2. The last group of enemies you fought seemed to be pretty light armored and mobile. They have now all become Ray Lewis and if your not ready to go into slomo and headshot them, be ready to unload an entire clip per guy, they made em tough. Kinda cool, but you should not need to dump a clip into a guy with an assault rifle from 20 feet away to kill him.

Try it and lets hear what you guys have to think

So far I like it a lot. Feels like the old FEAR. Very creepy.

ive never actually played the story part of the game but i was an addict at playing online for the first one. However there were alot of hackers which made it extremely annoying.:frowning: ill try the 2nd one out when i get a chance.

Welcome to the world of PC gaming. I just try to be better than they are. Not only that but it provides more incentive for me to go after them and teabag them.

Online is alright, but you have got to play the single player to see what all the hype is about. The combo of music and flashing shit on your screen makes for a really cool gaming experience

is the lates fear 2 free download?

i played the 360 demo of fear 2, i enjoyed it a lot. i like it a lot more than the first one. i kept losing interest bececause it was dull a lot from what ive played and ive gotten far in it.

Game fucking freaked me out man

wow, sounds like i need to play the actual game and not just the online version.

tried the 360 demo, looks good.

i cant possibly imagine the ps3/360 versions being as good as the PC. Does anyone know if the theres a free DL for FEAR 2 or not?

you can download the demo at www.whatisfear.com

360 version is nice. civ

got done with the demo last night…holy fuck it was nuts.