Fear Factor....

Is fucking discusting…who would eat moose penis to try to win 50k. Probability for loosing is too great to do that shit :crap:

Or in some episodes, probably eat it. I think it’s just funny to watch people humiliate themselves for the illusion they might get something making it worthwhile. Just to get home and be made fun for sucking cock… of the moose variety with nothing to show. :lol:

probability of winning 50K being 1 in 6…that’s good enough odds for me, especially since it’s mostly in my hands as to whether or not i win…it’s not just like a roll of the dice…

and stfu…you have cash (a viper) and dont need the 50K…i on the other hand would eat moose penis (with the proper combo of salt and/or butter and/or ketchup…ANYTHING and EVERYTHING can taste good) for the money

Oh shut up mark, you eat man penis for free, you should hardly talk. :tdown:


Roflecopter awwwaayyy!!! lol

I seen how easy you go down after a shot of vodka:suckoff: