FG version of OEM Foam Spoiler

Does anyone know if there’s a FG version or whatever of the factory rust-o-foam spoiler for S13 hatches?

I honestly like the look of the spoiler on the car (weird, I know), but would love to have it WITHOUT the rust :slight_smile:

i think the coupes are i took m ine off felt pretty solid

LOL, aren’t the coupe spoilers made out of hard ABS or plastic? My dad’s got one on his coupe, there’s absolutely no sign of rust anywhere his spoiler…

I’m talking about the “foam” spoiler on the hatchbacks that everyone rips off, throws away, and curses at because its left rust holes on their hatch…

I personally like the look of the factory spoiler.

Other than this spoiler:

The factory spoiler is the only other spoiler that I think looks good on HB’s

Spoiler look like shit, don’t bother.

Because your opinion means so much to me that I’ll change my whole outlook of my car because you don’t like it…

Trust me, I could care less for what people think of my opinion, and I can do the same…

Just ask Ian about our conversation regarding GT-R’s and SOHC KA’s

Honestly, if you aren’t going to contribute anything POSITIVE to the thread, why even post?

lol, dont dooo itttt!

Just go baller and grab a 180sx spoiler. Better condition, made out of ABS plastic (IIRC), and don’t look like all that shabby/wont leave holes in your trunk.

Not sure if this one is OEM, but you get what I’m trying to say.

Get jiggy with it.

type R spoiler for the win


get gp sport. theirs is similiar to stock but wider to the body

None of those really work for a pignose though…

I’m looking to go semi-stock looking on the body of my car, with only simple mesh wheels, and OEM lip and skirts, may be even rear valence/lip…

Besides, who else do you know rocks a factory spoiler “just because”. I want to…

No one does for exactly the reason I mentioned above. lol Suit yourself. :smiley:

Why don’t YOU make a FG version of it? =]

If you find one xsnrge let me know. :slight_smile:

x2. got a new hatch with no rust. yet I do not want to part with my spoiler. I hate spoilers. But i think my s13 without = fail.

if anyone knows anything…please contribute!!!

i seen one on ebay a loong time ago it was made in China

Those foam spoilers are so useless lol… The only thing useful about them is that you can use them as ghetto floaters in a kids swimming pool.

^^^ So is every other spoiler… The only useful spoiler on a car is a GT wing, but then you’d be called a ricer…

Not if your car has the balls to back it up.

just throw a coupe spoiler on it