file compression

i created a job portfolio in adobe acrobat, and then i shrunk the file in the program using the reduce file button. it came out to be 8.2 megs. however, when i email to people, it emails as 11.2 megs which is more than most places will accept. I’m not entirely sure why it does that but, is there any other programs i can use to reduce the file size? i used the free version of winzip but it only brings it down to 8.02 megs, making it 11.0 when i email it which is still too big. help?

did you try compressing it to a .RAR file? You could always make it a word document also.

i dont have the .rar program and i worry that companies i send it to may not have it either. its full of drawings and stuff, could i still make that a word document? how would i do that?

make a website and send links…

yup, thats what i did. well didnt make a webpage, just uploaded it somewhere