F'In Steelers...

…And these damn field goals

Go browns!! :steelers: :steelers: <-- more orange than gold :smiley:

Hang Yourself!!!:steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers:

P.S. Adjust your shitty monitor…thats gold FTW

go fucking die faggot noob

if i would have known you were going to say that, i would have thrown you in the dumpster yesterday at the mall…

how can they play so bad against the Browns who such so much more than the Ravens

:rofl: :rofl:

umm, we won…



PS you lost.

take away the 2 returns, and it would have been a blowout

holy hell best game ive seen in awhile.!!!


Don’t start with that kinda crap. They got them they deserve them.

meh <-- packer fan… so today was a good day

but nice comeback fromthe stillers

ps go kill yourself and the browns still lost.

Perma Ban!

:steelers: w00t!

Kill yourself you soccer loving faggot. Same goes to anyone else who gave up at halftime today. You gotta believe.

seeing a stillers comeback win is awesome. ben’s 30 yard td run was fn great. the d definitely came to play in the second half too.

when i lived in philly, they called ben worthlessburger. hmm, i wonder if they seen the last few games. if it wasnt for brady, he would be a mvp candidate for sure. he is unbelievable.

:down: not very nice…

:wink: but funny.