finally got an STi...

as much as i’d love to have one, i have some complaints

you can tell that they just threw some parts on the forester, i mean come on, if your gonna change the front brakes, at least change the rears too

i’m not diggin the momo wheel, give it a dam sti wheel geez

looks to me they took a stock wrx intercooler and painted it black, threw a “tuned by sti” sticker on there, at least give em an sti cooler or something unique

other than that, hot wheels, overall its dam nice

news to me…i like it.
hows…peru…treatin ya?

Awesome DD! Soo neat. Why are you going to lower it? It’s an SUV. It’s too low already. What are the stats on an STi forester?


Sounds like a perfect DD to me.

very nice! I like it alot. Should look much better with a drop.

Why the hell are you in Peru…if you dont mind me asking,are you from there? lol

Something’s wrong with that. The Forrester STI has all of the Impreza STI bits on it from the factory - that is not an EJ257, it’s not 6 speed, no brembos…and an STI motor runs more than 10psi from the factory.

It looks nice, but that’s just an FXT with badges.

I think he means turn up the boost 5-7psi

STIs run something like 15 psi stock.

And since it was only sold in Japan, shouldn’t it be right hand drive?

quick google search says 14.5 psi for a STi. Maybe the Forrester is de-tuned from the factory?

Wow, thats quite different.

I like it.

I like it… I don’t really agree with the scion comparison though.

Ever since I saw the clip of Vikki ripping on one of these I thought they were cool.

Quite the rare powered box you have there. :tup:

This is an early variant, it’s not going to have those parts we associate with XTs or STIs here in the US.

I thought that the 02 and older STI foresters were very basic, there was no 02 and older FXT just the STI Forester. The XT forester came out in 04 and the FXT name was given to 07 and up also know as the “Sport”

I could be wrong never followed the older foresters

The Forrester STI was a Japan market only vehicle, built in 05+, and was right hand drive. It’s a rebadged XT or wrx swapped. Any way you cut it, it’s not a true Forrester STI.

I am not trying to be a buzzkill here, but if someone posted up a left hand drive r32 skyline, everyone would be quick to say it’s not a real skyline.

The Forester STiII (STi2) is something else though. :wink:

Still not left hand drive. Fuzzy, shut your trap or I’ll make you fix that bumper.

That’s so gay, nice pick up. Would be a sweet DD.

cool car